The Proposal Template

The Proposal Template


Ready to pop the question to your potential client? Proposals can sometimes make or break if the client chooses to proceed or not, depending on how the information is presented to the client. Our intentionally designed Proposal Template shows off your unique positioning and expertise, alongside your various package options, and previous work. It also walks your clients through the next steps to booking you, leaving them feeling equipped & empowered to work with you.

This 13-page presentation is completely customizable in both Canva & InDesign, where you can apply your own fonts, colors, photos, and more. The click & drag design allows you to easily edit and re-arrange pages to fit your design preferences.

"These templates are pure gold! They truly include everything design clients need to reference for their brand, all in one place. As a studio owner, I feel more confident now because I have a higher perspective on what I need to be offering, plus a much more defined way to present my work, in order for clients to receive it in the best way possible. Plus these templates improve my own personal brand experience by providing cohesive visuals from start to finish. My high end client process is about to take a huge step forward & I owe it to the Rise team for these beautiful guides!" - Beta Tester


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Client Welcome Guide Template

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Brand Strategy Presentation Template

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The High End Design Process COMPLETE PACK (all 7 templates)

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Pricing & Services Guide

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Brand Design Presentation Template
